Altoida Digital Neuro Signature: Alzheimer’s Predictive Tool
Reviewed by: HU Medical Review Board | Last reviewed: January 2023 | Last updated: January 2022
Understanding cognitive (thinking) ability is important for diagnosing and treating Alzheimer’s disease. Early detection can help find mild cognitive impairment (MCI). MCI is an early warning sign for Alzheimer’s. Detecting Alzheimer’s early can help slow decline and improve quality of life as the disease progresses.1
Detection measures vary widely. Blood tests, brain imaging, and genetic tests can all be helpful for detecting Alzheimer’s. And early detection needs to be efficient and precise in order to be helpful.1-3
The Altoida Digital Neuro Signature (DNS) is a tool for Alzheimer’s. It is precise and efficient. And it shows great promise for early detection of the disease.1
Current methods of Alzheimer’s detection
Most methods of Alzheimer’s detection are “cross-sectional.” This means that someone takes one long cognitive test at a single time point. Then they sometimes repeat the same testing after long intervals. However, this method is limited. It is initially a single snapshot in time and may not predict cognitive decline, or may not capture the whole cognitive picture.1
Cross-sectional tests can be affected by factors that are unrelated to disease progression. These include:1
- Motivation
- Attention
- Mood
- Testing environment
- Sleep quality before the test
- Anxiety or nerves
These external factors mean that it may be harder to get an accurate diagnosis. It can also be hard to see if a treatment is working. These tests are not very good at finding MCI. So early detection is difficult with cross-sectional tests alone.1
How does the Altoida DNS work?
Instead of a cross-sectional test, the Altoida DNS is a “longitudinal test.” This means it takes more frequent and often smaller pieces of cognitive information (data points) from someone over time.1
The Altoida DNS has 2 main measurements. One looks at how processes in the brain are functioning. The other sees how these processes relate to each other. These kinds of observations can be much more helpful in detecting early Alzheimer’s. That is because they give a fuller cognitive picture for someone over time.1
Reaction time, for example, is one of the measures the Altoida DNS uses. Reaction time is a good data point because it cannot be improved with practice in the way other tests can be.1
The Altoida DNS also tracks “digital biomarkers.” These are pieces of biological or behavioral data collected from digital tools, such as a:1
- Computer
- Smartphone
- Tablet
- Smart watch
These tools can track active measurements, like reaction time. But they can also passively monitor to look at things like tremor, hesitation, gait, and touch pressure.1
Testing with the Altoida DNS takes around 10 minutes and tracks cognitive and motor skills. It takes all of the data together to predict the risk of Alzheimer's-linked MCI with high accuracy.1
How does this test help people with Alzheimer's?
The Altoida DNS allows for faster, more precise testing. It only takes 10 minutes, is better at tracking individual data, and is more precise than traditional tests. Importantly, it can track the shift from MCI to Alzheimer’s. This is key for early detection.1,2
Early detection allows you and your doctor more time to address disease outcomes and progression. It also helps you to make a long-term plan while still in early stages of Alzheimer’s. Beginning treatment earlier can improve outcomes. And some medicine for Alzheimer’s works better in early stages, too.2
Early detection also helps people with Alzheimer's and their families prepare for the future. Finances, living arrangements, and support networks can all be found earlier. And it gives people the chance to participate in clinical trials or studies for new treatments. The DNS may be useful to look at cognitive training (mental exercise) or drug effectiveness as well.2
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