Hello, and thank you for being here with our community.
Are you having difficulties sharing what is happening to your loved one? An article on our site sharing frequently asked questions about Alzheimer's may help you explain the disease: https://alzheimersdisease.net/answers/faqs. Another article that also lends insight into helping family members understand what is happening to their loved ones is about supporting family members on the Alzheimer's journey: https://alzheimersdisease.net/living/easing-the-burden.
As a caregiver to my father, there were situations and times when others didn't understand what was happening to my father. Me and my immediate family, who were caring for him, began to realize as we were living and learning each day about how to care for someone with Alzheimer's and navigate the disease.
It was friends and extended family who had a more difficult time because they didn't understand the disease or hadn't experienced caregiving to the extent we were. What helped me was offering a simple explanation and sharing examples of what our father was experiencing or finding difficult for me. They were always invited to visit, spend time with our father and family, and reach out anytime for a check-in on how he was doing.
Let us know if there is anything we can support you with. Sending peace and warmth, Nancy Alzheimersdisease.net Team Member