Take her for ice cream, her favorite thing. Go for a walk, play with a jigsaw puzzle (300 pieces), color, listen to music of the 1950s, watch an old tv show from the 60s, go visit someone, drive by a lake or her old neighborhood.
Scott Matheny Moderator & Contributor
These are all great things and at one time or another we do that here, too. I have learned to love classic movies and television. Our TV lives in black and white now. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Scott Team member
Nonnie-66 Member
Have their favorite snack or treat available. Music was always my go to for my mom. Her Era music.
DonnaFA Community Admin
, those are great ideas! Music is a great way to connect, and food is and always will be the way to a heart connection. I always find my people's favorite foods and learn how to make them if I don't know. - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)