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Support groups for caregivers

I have not found a caregiver group locally

  1. Thank you for your response. We have an article that may be helpful. Please keep us updated on how things are going with finding a support group. What avenues have you tried locally? Scott Team Member

    1. , the resource Scott shared is great for building a village (and don't forget you always have us!). I wanted to share the local group page from the last resource referenced in the article: Please let us know if we can share any other resources. - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

      1. Thank you. I guess even though I have been through this before with my dad, I guess I’m not prepared for the next day. I don’t want him changing.

        1. , I hear you and I understand how that feels. It is hard, no matter your age, to think of your parents in anything other than a strong, and vital role. Have you had a chance to check out the resources Scott shared? Please let us know if you were able to find local support, or if we can help provide further resources. - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

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