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Use of ChatGPT to help manage care

I think this system will be quite useful in helping me manage the care of my wife. As a start, I typed in the following statement:
My wife has Alzheimer's. What can I do to keep from getting mad when she forgets things?
I got a fairly good response, basic, but it will help me keep focused on the important things and control my emotional response.
I am going to ask more specific care suggestions and see what happens. The potential is there.

  1. Hi , it's amazing what AI an tell us. If you get any amazing tips that work, please bring the back to share with the community. -Warmly, Donna (team member)

    1. That is fascinating! I saw a news story about it helping in the dating world. It can help us be more articulate because AI can deliver appropriate words because it has no “skin in the game” so to speak. It doesn’t fear saying the wrong thing or have it’s feeling hurt or get frustrated. It can be the best version we wish we could be! Not a bad idea. Although we still have all of those emotions and still need to suffuse them. Blessings, Kathy M team
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