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Reclaiming Your Time

Hey caregiver, I see you and I know it's hard. We caregivers often don't have time to do anything for ourselves. In this article, I'm going to tell you how reclaiming your time can affect the quality of your life.

I know it sounds daunting at first but to avoid burnout, claiming time to practice self-care is necessary.

Why do caregivers burnout?

If you are a caregiver, burnout is almost inevitable. Think that is a false statement? Well then, let's go over some True or false for all our peace of mind.

True or false?

Caregivers burn out because they let their needs go by the wayside.

True. Sometimes, caregivers are too overcome to take care of themselves. They neglect sleep and nutrition so that their loved one can have what he or she needs. If you are a caregiver reading this, please hear me when I say that your needs matter as well.

True or false?

Caregivers burn out because they feel guilty about doing something other than caring for their loved ones.

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True. Even if it's just watching television or spending a few minutes reading a book, some caregivers feel incredible guilt for enjoying some downtime.

Burnout can also occur due to guilt in feeling no one can care for their loved one with dementia as they can. Taking time for themselves doesn't seem important when the needs of their loved ones are pressing on them.

What do you do if burnout happens?

For some caregivers, it feels like you have no energy or have given up on things that are important. For others, you may even feel the urge to lash out at those who depend on you.

Sometimes it is necessary to ask for outside help with simple things like cooking meals and taking the trash out. Don't always volunteer to do these tasks, especially if it means you'll be too exhausted to sit with your loved one at night.

If this is not possible, try limiting yourself to two hours of socializing each day with friends or family members. Offer the rest of the time to your loved one so he or she won't feel abandoned by you even though you're exhausted.

Additional tips for preventing burnout

Set limits on how much time you spend caring for others before taking time for yourself — it could be as little as fifteen minutes.

During this time, read a book, listen to music, take a walk around the block, call a friend — whatever it is, prioritize it and make it non-negotiable.

Don't take on too much. You can burn out if you don't say no when it is beyond your capacity. Make sure to eat healthy foods, exercise, sleep, and relax as often as possible.

When does burnout happen to caregivers?

Burnout isn't something that just happens overnight. In reality, burnout is a slow burn that has been building up for quite some time.

Because burnout occurs over a long period of time it's important to recognize the emotional and physical health symptoms before they become irreparable damage.

Support for caregivers experiencing burnout

It takes time to recover from burnout because caregivers are always on-call. So, one of the first and most important things to remember is that it's okay, and sometimes even beneficial, to vent about a situation or share feelings with others.

Caregivers should have someone safe that they can talk to about issues or frustrations without being judged because burnout makes it hard to keep their emotions in check. Support groups can offer a safe space for that as well.

Lastly, a quick reminder for the caregivers out there: There are 1,440 minutes in a day. It's okay to take 5 minutes to sit and breathe. How will you be spending your time, the time you are reclaiming? Tell us in the comments below, or share your story with the community.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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