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Top Articles of 2021: Readers' Choice

With each year we encounter amazing people with amazing stories who share them openly and honestly. To commemorate the successes and learnings of the past year, we have gathered the top reads of 2021 on

Understanding Alzheimer's

Having a solid understanding of what Alzheimer's is can play a big part in how you and your family decide to manage the condition now and through progression.

The Most Ignored Answer to the Most Asked Question: Dementia TypesKris BakowskiIs it "Normal" Age-Related Memory Loss or is it Dementia?Amy Matthews

Coping with different situations and symptoms

There is a slew of symptoms that can present themselves throughout the battle with Alzheimer's and being prepared or having an understanding of how to manage those specific symptoms and keeping dignity in the process can be valuable for families and caregivers alike.

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Likewise, Alzheimer's and dementia bring about sensitive situations that can be difficult to navigate the first time around.

Struggles with FoodLisa MarshallThe Tricky Stages of Alzheimer's: Coping with Behavioral SymptomsNikki NurseResponding to Questions About a Loved One with Alzheimer'sLauren Dykovitz

Support and self-care is paramount

We know the one thing people affected by Alzheimer's need the most – support.

Support from healthcare professionals, support from family and friends, as well as support from those we encounter on a regular basis. We hope that the clerk at the grocery store is patient if they encounter us or our loved ones.

We hope that people continue to see the person rather than the disease that so often clouds over the person.

Caregiver Help: Accepting, Asking, and ArticulatingLisa MarshallThe End Stages of Alzheimer's: Caregiver Self-Care TipsNikki NurseGrieving Someone with Alzheimer's Who Is Still AliveLauren DykovitzCaregiver Perspective: Letting GoLisa Marshall

The lasting effect of Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's disease has a profound effect on those around us, and we carry those lessons with us well beyond our journey. Learning to cope and give yourself the space and grace to process the changes that come with each season continues to be a pivotal part of resilience through progression and after.

How Your Grief Changes When Your Loved One DiesLauren DykovitzMy Mom's Alzheimer's Taught Me to Appreciate the Little ThingsLauren DykovitzManaging Guilt When a Loved One Has Alzheimer'sLauren Dykovitz

Continuing to learn and grow with each other

We are honored to be a sanctuary for those affected by Alzheimer's, from the patient to families, caregivers, and everyone else involved. This space is built by the Alzheimer's community for the Alzheimer's community.

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