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"I'm doing well! I was able to do laundry and declutter in living room. The house is my safe place! I'm on 2 meds for my Alzheimers which is helping. When I get overwhelmed I have problems"

  1. Yay! I always feel better when things are put back in their places. I say that things "have a home." Or, I'll say that "the broom lives here." It helps a lot for a cluttered mind to get some order in something controllable like the house for me. I'm so glad that your medications are helping. That's great! Thanks for sharing your positive energy with us! It's contagious! All the best, Amy Grantham, Team Member,

  2. Thank you for sharing. I'm glad to know that you are doing well and that your medications are of help. Your success with completing your laundry and decluttering is something I need to attend to. Your positive outlook has added a pep to my steps to complete them. If you are okay sharing, what problems do you experience when you begin to feel overwhelmed? I want to share that our team has an extensive offering of informative articles on a wide range of subjects should you need support with something specific. We are here for you. Respectfully, Nancy Team Member