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"I worked all day reorganizing the kitchen and finding homes for everything. We have too much stuff so I've been giving it away. I've been minizing what we have.We always eat in the living room so the big table was taken out so it will be an open space. I'll have my table for baking and prep etc and my best friend said the way I have it all set up it looks like a chef's kitchen. I have more to do just making it easier for me to work and move around in. I will be so excited when it's done."

  1. Hi there! I love that your kitchen is being redecorated and reorganized to become the space you envision and working in a kitchen a lot like a chef, wow! Doesn't it feel good to clear out and donate things you don't use anymore? Warmly, Nancy Team member

  2. I love reorganizing and making things more manageable. What kinds of things do you like to cook/bake? Scott Team Member