Mystery Solved
People think because I have Alzheimer's that, I don't know anything!
The return of my beloved housekeeper
Recently, we hired a housekeeping service and let our beloved housekeeper of many years go. Well, the housekeeper from the service was horrible. She didn't clean the house, mistreated my dogs, and spoke to me like I was a child! The final straw was when my husband noticed a charge for $189 on his account, and I said that was for the housekeeper who wasn't even here an hour! I know because I keep track of everything and everyone on my phone!!
Well, my husband was so sorry he hired our old housekeeper, who I love, back, and the dogs are really happy, and the house is clean!
The case of the missing medication
But that's not the mystery. I got a new nurse, and she orders my medicine, but she doesn't get it right. No one seemed to believe me until I called our delivery service to find out where my medicine was because I had been 5 days without it (not just 1 but 4 different medications!) Well, the man at our service was really nice and it was hard because I had to remember my birthday, my address, my social security number and give him all of this information but we got through it together!
He was so kind because I am a really good customer and I explained I didn't have my medicine for 5 days and he said he could see that and he spoke to their pharmacist who had got the prescriptions but there was a hold on them!
Well, come to find out the prescriptions were on hold but the pharmacist could override them and they could be shipped to overnight! I solved the case of the missing medication!
And my husband told me that I am amazing and I told him that I love him so much because he has cancer and I know that he is very sick even though the whole family doesn't tell me.

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