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body temperature

i believe iv written and dont want to seem like spam
has anyone tested increasiing body temperature for strokes or alzhimiers
people where i live are telling people to smoke marijuana which obviously is wrong

I hope someone test chaging body temperture
i heard these condtion are because of low body temperture

  1. Hi @jamesmatheson, I just wanted to tell you, while you're waiting for input from the community, that I've checked through our archives and didn't find anything related to body temperature. I'll look forward to seeing what the rest of the village has to say! - Warmly, Donna (team member)

    1. Thank you
      I am working to make a needle change blood temperature to change body temperature
      I have many doctors saying changing changing blood temperature is dangerous but they change blood temperature with a dialysis machine and they change blood temperature for chemo and blood transfusions
      When blood is given they have to heat the blood in a microwave cause when blood leaves the body it is too cold to administer by itself. Hopefully somehow you can help me ask for a commitee to have made a needle to change body temperature
      It will be a slow process but i have been shown that the heat of blood is what allows blood to go through veins which is why after a stroke peoples brain becomes colder and only when the blood heats up again is the stroke corrected which is the same as Alzheimers which is why people with strokes and Alzheimers body temperature is usually lower then it is meant to be
      I hope we can get enough people to test a needle to change body temperature
      It would be fun and is very needed by countless people
      Thanks for allowing me to ask

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