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Dressing strategies and techniques?

As your loved one's Alzheimer's progresses, it can be increasingly challenging to change their clothes. There are many reasons why this might be the case: perhaps they are confused and don't understand the task; perhaps their mood is just uncooperative that day; or perhaps they forget to participate in what's happening.

What have you learned through trial and error? What has worked to help your loved one get dressed?

  1. As long as they are not filthy, let it go. If you aren't taking them somewhere that it matters, then let it go. It's not worth the battle. If my LO goes to take a shower, that's when I steal their clothes to be washed and replace with clean, otherwise, I no longer harrass them about it.

    1. , that's some great advice! It's one of those situations where it pays to pick your battles. Do you have a struggle when your LO discovers the switch, or do they accept it pretty easily? - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

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