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Falling Apart

I went to our niece's wedding, it was very overwhelming, then the dentist said that they would have to take my upper teeth due to chemo damage, them I went to my daughter's big Halloween party. I can't speak to anyone anymore literally...I just use sign language and I don't want to even leave the house, everyone is loud and touches you constantly it's horrible. I would be happy not to speak ever ever again.@donnaFAMe and my husband at a wedding

  1. That is a lovely photo. I hear your frustration and I appreciate you. You have a lot going on for sure. We support you and are inspired by the strength you show. Thank you for sharing. Scott Team Member

    1. , what an absolutely gorgeous picture of you and your husband! Your dress is exquisite, very golden age of film glam!

      I'm sorry to hear it was a stressful time. Why is it that you would be happy not to speak again? Are you still afraid of saying something that upsets someone? I'm sending you the energy to just relax, there is nothing "wrong" with you and who you are.

      That said, I am a raging introvert, and I understand the not wanting to go out of the house - it's always too "people" out there. And I truly dislike being touched, especially by people I don't know, or don't know well. I understand that it may be their extroverted natures, but as understanding as I am, that should be reciprocal, with respect for our introverted natures.

      Were your grandchildren at the Halloween party? I love seeing children dressed and feeling so grand!

      I'm sending love and light, as always, and some calming energy. That was a lot of social interaction - I need at least a few days to recover from that! I'm glad to hear from you today <3 - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

      1. Once I relax with people I am comfortable with I can talk a little bit. I just wish I never had to speak again and am even using sign language. I hate even the loudness of my own voice. I don't even talk to the dogs anymore 😭 I see the neurologist next week. I think I am just losing another piece of me. @donnaFA

        1. my friend Lori came today and brought me lunch. She also took the dogs for a walk since my husband has to work late Tomorrow my Eucharist minister is bringing me communion. I like my quiet life. It's all I can manage for now.

        2. , I'm glad to hear that your friend Lori dropped by. I hope that helped with how you were feeling. I know you will get comfort from your Eucharist minister. I hope that can bring some equilibrium back to your heart and soul.

          I think we talked about it before, I love a small life as well. I'm an introvert (INFJ) and crowds and noise are overwhelming. So I understand how you prefer you quiet life. I'm sending (((hug))), love and light. - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

      2. @donnaFA @I am struggling

        1. How wonderful to hear from you! I am so happy things are improving for you, and you embrace each new day with less worry. When the time feels right, please try to reach out to the Alzheimer's Association. They are a very supportive resource in so many ways. A nap with your dogs sounds so peaceful. Like you, I am thankful for your friend Sandy, who took you to your neurology appointment and that happy news about your health could be shared with your husband. We are always here and will always care. Please keep in touch and keep sharing your story. Peace and blessings, Nancy Team Member

        2. . , I'm so glad to hear it's a good day! I'm happy that the neuro was able to give you some good news. I'm also happy to hear the loving support from your husband and your friend. I'm going to remind you of that on the tough days - "this is what good looks like! I feel so happy. He said just to enjoy each day worry free more worrying!"

          No, no one should be pushing you, and it is okay to advocate for yourself and tell people to back off, they are out of line. I do wish those people would take some time to educate themselves and develop an understanding.

          But I ham so happy that it's a good day 😀 Keep smiling! -Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

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