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Finally found a helpful Forum

I was recently diagnosed with early Dementia on December 24. I could write a long multi-paragraph intro, but that is not my intent. Please don't mistake what I am going to say. Caregivers also are struggling with Dementia. There are many more forums for caregivers and rightly so.
I read the first post and was over joyed that I could relate! Thank you. G

  1. Hi . We're so glad that you found our forum (and that you have found it to be helpful and relatable!) It's true, there are many sites and resources available to caregivers, and we are trying to create a space here that can be helpful to those who have received a diagnosis as well as those who are caring for them. We think there is great value and opportunity to learn from what each has to say. While you say that sharing your story is not your intent, we'd love to hear it if you ever feel up to it: We love highlighting the voices of those who are living with an Alzheimer's or Dementia diagnosis because it helps us (and everyone reading) have a better understanding of what you are going through and, hopefully, what caregivers can do to help be better partners. Let us know how we can help - and please keep sharing! Warmly, Patty, Team Member

    1. George, you bring so much to our site. How are your emotions surrounding your diagnosis? Scott Team Member

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