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Slow……then very fast memory loss, symptoms.

My father, for a couple years has lost time, places and daily memories.
He could not remember meds, eating where, what and when.

Then one day, he changed suddenly. He can’t remember anything.
He says he does not live there.
He ask when is he going home.

He was diagnosed with old age dementia.
He is 92.
It’s so hard to understand why so suddenly he got severe.
Ct. Shows nothing, blood normal.
Er doc says mri would show possibly stroke.
Anyone know? Thx much. I’m lost.🙁

  1. Hi @Robbie,
    It can be really disconcerting when things seem to change so rapidly.
    There are a few health issues that can contribute to rapidly progressive dementias (RPDs):, including stroke -
    I hope that helps answer some of your questions, or gives you some questions you can bring to the doctor for clarification. -Warmly, Donna (team member)

    1. Thank you, good info. His test all showed good.

      1. Thanks for the update, @Robbie, I'm so glad there was not an underlying issue. Does the doctor think this was just a progressive step then? - Warmly, Donna (team member)

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