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Speech therapy

Is there any value in speech therapy? I've heard that it doesn't really do any good. I would like to know if anyone has seen any benefit for their loved one.

  1. My mom had speech therapy for years. It did help. It taught her work arounds when she got stuck. It taught all of us how to handle her aphasia. He could give her self permission to stop and think, to come up with another word or description. I still do some of the lessons with her, like remembering three words and repeating them. Quizzes to name animals. They works on comprehension. Lots of things. Later, I’ve heard that they can help with swallowing issues. Mom mom loves this woman. She left the practice or we still would be meeting with her. I’m looking for another. I have questions, too. I’m going to ask the therapist if it’s worth it.

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