Hi Felina, thanks for being here with our community. I am sorry to learn that your mother is experiencing headaches. Are the headaches your mother is experiencing something new? If you haven't already, have you spoken to her doctor about what medications may be best for her to try for pain relief and that would work well with her current medications? Another thought is to pay closer attention to when the headache appears. Are they there when she wakes up? Is Mom sitting in too bright a room? Another thing to consider is her hydration. Being dehydrated can cause headaches. I located an article on our site about preventing dehydration. https://alzheimersdisease.net/clinical/preventing-dehydration. Please let us know what other information or resources you may need and let us know how your mother is doing as you look for support and solutions. Our community is always here. Respectfully, Nancy Alzheimersdisease.net Team Member 💜
DonnaFA Community Admin
Hi , definitely speak with your LO's doctor to make sure there are no associated neurological issues, physical issues, medication side/effects or dehydration has not become an issue.