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What are some things that your loved one likes to do in the fall season?

The leaves are falling. Pumpkin spice is everywhere. What are some things your loved one likes to do this time of the year as the weather becomes cooler.

  1. My husband w Alzheimers is working to conquer the leaves! He rakes almost daily. We also try to go to some of the fall festivals.

    1. Raking leaves sounds like a good (and super helpful!) activity. I'm curious about the festivals, does your husband experience any challenges with the crowds? Warmly, Patty (Team Member)

  2. My husband loves to walk to watch the leaves changing colors in the fall

    1. , do you have someplace special you go to take in the sights and scents of fall? -Warmly, Donna (team member)

    2. I like walking with my mom in our neighborhood to see how our neighbors have decorated for the season. Blessings, Kathy m team member.

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