Two men are silhouetted helping each other up a tropical mountain landscape.

Getting Through the 'World's Toughest Race' With Alzheimer's

In August 2020, Amazon Prime video streaming service premiered a 10-episode reality show called the World’s Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge Fiji. The show was hosted by adventurer Bear Grylls.

What is an Eco-Challenge anyway?

To be honest with you, I had no idea what an Eco-Challenge even was. I learned through watching the show that Eco-Challenge Fiji is comprised of 66 elite race teams from 30 countries. The race covers over 417 miles. Each team is only allowed to use a map and a compass. No technology is allowed for the racers. There are 31 checkpoints that are split into 5 different legs of the race. The first four legs of the race are timed.

If the elite teams are not at certain checkpoints in time, they are eliminated from the race. The 5 stages of the race include an Ocean, Jungle, River, Highland, and Island leg. The elite racers must possess skills in paddling and sailing in an outrigger, paddle boarding, mountain biking, white water rafting, and running, hiking, and mountain climbing and repelling skills.

Mark, Travis, & Team Endure

In the first episode, they introduced an individual named Mark Macy. He was from Team Endure, and one of his teammates was his son Travis Macy. It was revealed that Mark was 58 years old and was racing with his son Travis because Mark was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Mark and Travis were competing together as teammates to celebrate the 25th anniversary race of adventure racing with an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.

In the show Mark, Travis, and Team Endure were featured throughout all 10 episodes of the show. Initially, Mark and Travis were supposed to race on different teams. However, Mark’s declining mental status and need for physical assistance at times prompted Team Endure to form.

Making modifications to accomodate Alzheimer's

Travis said that he was honored to do the race with his dad and that he just wanted to spend what time he could with him. In Eco-racing, typically the elite racers sleep very little. However, in Mark’s case with his Alzheimer’s diagnosis, he requires 6-8 hours of sleep to function. Otherwise, Travis reports that Alzheimer’s symptoms are worse for his dad.

Team Endure planned to sleep between 5-8 hours a night. The people in Fiji are very hospitable. Every night Team Endure would make sure that they mapped out to be near a village. Villagers would take them into their homes to allow them to rest for the night. As the race progressed and the fatigue set in you could see Mark’s cognitive deficits and ADL skills decrease. Here I was watching this very fit 58-year-old man mountain bike through super thick mud, paddle himself on an ocean, and swim through a jungle. However, the Alzheimer’s disease impaired his ability to dress and tie his shoes without assistance.

Bringing awareness to Alzheimer's

The show really did a good job of bringing awareness to Alzheimer’s disease. It demonstrated that Alzheimer’s Disease does not discriminate what age it appears. The episodes also brilliantly displayed the love, dedication, and sacrifice that family members endure helping their loved ones to live the best lives they can. It also revealed the power of the human spirit.

If you have not had a chance to watch The World’s Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge Fiji, I highly recommend it.

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