Biorhythms, Sun, and Moon Effects
I'll start by saying I discovered biorhythms 40 years ago! Every Monday was unbearable! Sounds looney, I know ... but in my experience it's true.
Back then I was browsing thru a bookstore and found an interesting book on biorhythms. Had never heard of it. It was filled with charts for that year (now you can get them online). It is said that biorhythms can affect emotional, physical, and mental activities. I worried for awhile that it went against my religious beliefs, so I prayed and felt ok. Still do.
Monday had always been my very favorite day and I knew that I had been born on a Monday. So was my hubby. It seems that every other Monday was a crisis day for me and the same for him, although thankfully not the same Monday.
My mind and body are impacted
I don't check my biorhythm charts daily anymore. But when my mind and body tell me that something is "off," then I look. For instance, I checked the past few days because it has been rough. My biorhythms were: Emotional -100 percent, and my physical and intellectual biorhythms were both crisis. Some days when I work until I could drop, I look at my chart and my physical biorhythm is +100 percent, even though my emotional is horrible, and I sure don't want to be doing anything!
Have any of you noticed this?
Now, for the sun. I've written elsewhere about the sundowning. It is THE worst thing that can happen to me and biorhythms have nothing to do with it. Since I am hit worse now after being its victim for over 10 years, mornings are usually worse than ever! But in my family we are "weird" when it comes to health. For instance, after a tornado took our daughters home, she could not urinate. Doctors tried stuff. What works is a medicine that keeps "normal" people from urinating!
When my dementia worsens
Next is the moon. (Or add anything going on the sky if you want ... my family does!) For me, it began with the full moon. The dementia worsened. Now, it usually worsens during the dark of the moon!
On my calendar, I mark 3 days before and 3 days after the dark moon and full moon so I know to prepare for what might hit me! Over the years, I have figured out that it can be a 7-day attack.
My theory
For 3 days, I'm building up to the changes in the moon. My theory is that the next 3 days after are the worst because I've had multiple bad days with worsening dementia and then I get an overload. I just discussed this with my doctor and he understood and agreed!
The longest day of the year
We are coming up on the longest day of the year. For some reason, I have not done well this whole month. But the recent tornado may still be affecting me because of it's impact on my family's daily life. So, this too shall pass.
Anyway, in my old calendars I note that I begin going downhill again a month after the longest day. And I also tracked that Thanksgiving is not a good time for me to be around people. Of all the times!
Thank you
Thank you for your time. I hope this is of help to those who suffer and our caretakers who suffer with us.
This is our story.

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