How Do We Get Through This?

I saw my neurologist today, and he ordered a PET scan. It has been about a year since I had the 1st one giving me this diagnosis. In this year, I have had some really wonderful my husband and I were able to get married in the Catholic Church, which meant a great deal to both of us.

Things are changing

And then I started to get much worse. I have started to stutter when I speak, I cry frequently, I am very depressed, my short-term memory is poor (although it now seems things from my childhood are lucid).

I don't want to socialize at all. My husband even had difficulty getting me to Mass on Sunday which is one of my favorite things. I don't know when to shower.

I seem to be completely lost in the middle of my own mind. I did order a new Kindle to help me read. I mean I don't actually know if it will help but I hope it does.

What does the future hold?

I can't live this for a labyrinth of complete despair with no hope of getting out; only scary things every way I turn.

I don't have a picture to upload today.

This is my story.

Help others feel a little less alone.

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