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Hello all. My LO had a stroke a couple years back, had already been diagnosed with Alzhiemers, so she couldn't drive for 6 months and when she went back to the dr they wouldn't sign off unless she passed the cognitive test and a road test. She failed them all and blames me and the dr. This has been a couple years ago now. And she still wakes up with such anger, I feel our relationship is done. She calls me a control freak. She can still do a lot of things but her meds she gets to confused trying to do, I do those and most of the cooking. Tired Frustrated and don't know what's going to happen next. Oh she informed me that she was going to her brother's for a few days. My wife doesn't smoke but yet, I catch her from time to time. I read it's one of the worse yhing they can do ! Boy , I'm venting
Thanks for being here!

  1. Well, we are here for you and I hear your frustration. Dealing with anger can be such a tremendous challenge. We have a number of articles on our site in the resource section on managing anger and agitation. I am inspired by your care and commitment to her and it's always ok to vent. Please keep us update on how things are going with her agitation. Scott Team Member

    1. Scott, she will get a new med, hopefully it will help.

      1. , I'm glad that you are keeping her doctor informed, and that he is willing to work to help control new symptoms. It can be hard when there is anger involved. She is lucky to have you., and that you understand

        As Scott said, we have articles about dealing with anger, as well as articles about driving/giving up driving: (Written by one of our contributor's with Alzheimer's)

        I hope something there might prove helpful in helping her understand that it may not be safe for her or others. Losing independence is hard to accept.

        I hear your fatigue and frustration, and we are always here when you need to vent. I wanted to ask if you have support, and respite. It is so important for you to take care of yourself in order to care for her. I wanted to share a couple of articles for you, about how to care for yourself - and making it a priority:

        Sending (((hugs))), love and light. Please keep in touch and let us know how things are going, and how you are. - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)


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