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With the progression of Alzheimer's, as a caregiver or someone living with the disease, it can be helpful to have plans in place for the future. Share in the comments how you've made arrangements and planned for the future.
holiday Member
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You asked about plans in place for the future for caregivers or someone living with the disease. First, let me assure you, those are TWO DIFFERENT people and two different plans. Some of the plans overlap, such as in a final care facility, or burial/cremation spot but many plans are different. Where do you want to go? Who do you want to say goodbye to? As a person living with ALZ, logistics planning is necessary but not fun or important to me. You can burn me in Selma Alabama or Red Key Indiana! While my mind is still working, I am interested in tomorrow and today and Living a good quality of life with as little interference as possible from outsiders. Prepay the bills, make sure the insurance/will/and material possession placement is in order and then get on with living!
DonnaFA Community Admin
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Hi @holiday, I completely understand. You want to get the "chores" out of the way so that your people don't have to deal with organizing and grief. And, like you, I think my heart would be in the same place, building relationships that are going to be strong, and sustaining for those left behind. I think that's natural and very human response.
Sending you lots of light and positive energy, to build it the way you would dream it to be. -Warmly, Donna (team member)
It is every bit as important as having the financials and the arrangements airtight. That is the legacy you want to leave, the legacy of who you are, and not how well you planned.
lprice Member
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Yes I am worried about my future finances since I have had to hire an elder care attorney to the tune of $14,000 to help me get him on Medicaid. I had to place him in a memory care home last year as I could longer care for him at home. The place is wonderful and has been totally worth the expense. But we had to liquidate his total IRA savings for private pay for one year. Now there’s no money left to pay for his care until Medicaid accepts him. He will have his social security. But my concern is MY IRA. Will I have enough to take care of me? I have a financial plan and I hope I have enough for the time I continue to live. Alzheimer’s is NOT just a disease affecting the person with it, it affects the entire family and spouse. It robs me of my finances, my dreams in retirement, and the dreams we had of our life together till the end of our lives. It’s so much grief.
Lynn Marie Witt, MSOT Member
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I am glad that your husband has you to advocate for him and that he is in a wonderful care facility. That beind said care facilities absolutely come at a high cost. Thank you for sharing how specifically Alzheimer's Disease has impacted you and your family. Your words will help many out there also experiencing a similar situation. Please continue to reach out any time. Your voice matters!
Just Keep Swimming....Lynn Marie, Team Member
DonnaFA Community Admin
Last Updated: may also be able to help with financial issues. - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)