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What's your experience with hearing aids?

Does your loved one wear hearing aids? Have you noticed cognitive improvements with their use or decline without them? What bells or whistles do they have that you really like? What are the challenges? They are a deductible medical expense as far as I know.

  1. My father was prescribed hearing aids. He never fancied them but would wear them for more important occasions, like when he had to present at an event. Over time, he learned to lip-read. Dad couldn't get the volume to his liking and complained of ringing in his ears. As his Alzheimers progressed, it was challenging to help him place them comfortably in his ears, and when we would approach him with them to try them out again, he would say, "Those are not mine." Dad could hear better when the volume of our conversations increased. Nancy Team Member

    1. That’s really tough. I sympathize. A good audiologist can help with fit and frequencies. The new doctor we went to took several months and three appointments to help my mom adjust to the new hearing aids. She said it can be very overwhelming to the person and to the brain. The brain can’t just jump in at full volume and sort out all this new stimulation. Baby steps, getting used to one level at a time for the person and their brain. Blessings, Kathy M team member.

      1. thank you. Dad's visits to his audiologist didn't always go as smoothly as planned, but we tried. Baby steps are a good plan until one can get accustomed and adjust them ust right. Wishing your mother all the best. Nancy Team Member

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