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How do you handle life with lack of sleep?

It's tough enough to get good sleep with my own maladies, how can I expect to function well with my loved one keeping me up?

  1. Scott, when it comes to a point where neither you or your loved one aren’t getting any or enough sleep because of their agitation, you need to talk wit their neurologist or doctor about medications that will help them. It’s not only you who is miserable from lack of sleep, they are confused and likely miserable as well. Fine tuning medications so they can sleep through the night without being drowsy during the day can be an ongoing battle, but it becomes a quality of life issue for them as much as it is for you. Finding a medical professional who really understands these challenges can be difficult. It seems specialists are in short supply in most parts of the country these days.

    1. Thank you for your very thoughtful reply. I am trying to navigate all of this and I can see a time where fatigue will be an issue for all of us. This helps. Scott Team Member

    2. thanks for reaching out. Your words of wisdom and insight are much appreciated and helpful. Just Keep Swimming...Lynn Marie, " Team Members"

  2. Routines can be helpful. Taking pills at a certain time helps me set a routine. Blessings, Kathy M team member.

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