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How do you address sleep issues?

This is a space to ask questions relating to sleep issues and to share tips on sleep. We recently asked this question of our Facebook and Instagram communities and are sharing some of their responses below. What has worked for you and your loved one?

- If they nap during the day, try to limit it. Have a set bedtime routine/and time. Blinds closed. White noise.
- I would brush my mom's hair before going to bed, that would relax her.
I'd make chamomile tea with a little honey, or a small cup of warm milk also helped her sleep. I also discovered that turning on a heater would lull mom to sleep. It has a timer and I set it to turn off after an hour. The warmth and white noise made momma sleepy.
- I use the calming stress lotion from bath and body works with eucalyptus it calms my mom
- The VA got us a mat that alarms when stepped on. Also, you could get bed rails.

Check out our sleep article here:

  1. In my experience as my mom's full-time caregiver, handling her sleep issues came down to creating a calming nighttime routine. Using a diffuser with scents of lavender and eucalyptus oils and adding soft music or a calm show/movie helped to keep mom calm. I also stopped any meals or dessert 2 hours before sleeping and really encouraged a shower before bed as it is known to loosen the muscles and relax a person. Spraying mom's pillows with lavender was another added benefit to her sleep issues and although wandering and other symptoms from Alzheimers would occur in spite of our routine, it aided tremendously to keep the space serene. Sometimes the symptoms just can't be avoided in spite our best interests and if that occurs I advise to speak with your loved ones doctor or neurologists on any helpful suggestions they may have.

    1. My spouse sleeps like a rock all night. Thankfully no wandering as yet. He also drops off to sleep during the day several times. Watching TV, reading, just sitting he will go to sleep for hours each day. Is this common?

      1. @Debi, My husband goes through different sleep cycles. He typically sleeps well at night (knock on wood) and some days doesn't nap at all. Some days he naps for an hour a couple times a day. He's pretty stubborn about napping. I think he's afraid he's going to miss out, and then he's exhausted from fighting it! Much Love, Lisa Marshall, Community Moderator

      2. thanks so much for reaching out. Such great news that your husband is sleeping and getting a solid's night rest. It from my experience with two loved ones with Alzheimer's ,is not uncommon for someone to nap. It sounds like your husband is keeping cognitively active through reading. That is great! Naps are a way of our body telling us we need to rest and regenerate. Keeping a healthy balance of mind-stimulating activities, physical activities, and rest are important too.
        If you notice that your husband is napping during the day and not sleeping at night then I would definitely speak to your neurologist about the change in the sleep cycle. This change in sleep pattern, unfortunately happened with both of my parents. All the best to you and your husband Deb. Thanks for being part of our community. Please continue to reach out anytime. Just Keep Swimming....Lynn Marie, " Team Member"

    2. We went a year without sleeping and not much help from my Mother’s primary. As we went into year two, I said there has to be something she could give her. Her response was, she didn’t want to give her anything sedating because she could still walk. She didn’t walk without me! It was a frustrating time. She did mention melatonin, it did help after I found the correct dosage and brand that worked for her.
      My Mother passed away last March, I miss her terribly.

      1. It's frustrating when you feel like you're in it alone, @Dexter. But how wonderful that you found the way for your mom. I'm so sorry for your loss, but i know she is with you, with so much love and pride. <3 -Sending love and light, Warmly, Donna (team member)

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