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Mental Health

As caregivers, we often forget to check our mental well-being while caring for our loved ones. How do you manage your mental health? For example, sing, dance, walk in the park or around the neighborhood, and take time to smile, laugh, or cry. There is no right or wrong method.

  1. , that's a great point, thank you for starting the discussion! We can't take care of our loved ones if we are not taking care of ourselves and our needs. Even if it's carving out 15 minutes for a bath, or to read a book, having a cup of tea in the sunshine. How are you taking care of yourself, Beautiful Butterfly? - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

    1. Hello everyone! I just joined today. My husband has Early Onset Alzheimers, and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy due to numerous concussions from college football. I am not able to retire yet, but hopefully soon. So far he is able to be home alone. Just wondering, about any resources for day programs in the Northeast Ohio area. Thanks!

      1. I am in the beginning stages of my family member's diagnosis as well. Even though I live with them, they can be left home alone now, although I'm told that will change someday moderately soon. I'm not sure what we will do then, but for now, we are taking it day by day and doing the best we can. Fortunately, I have the time to, but one day that may change. I try not to worry about the future, though, as I'm sure you know, though, it is difficult! Just know you are not alone! Keep on keepin' on, DPM

      2. Hi ! I am glad you found us. We have a number of resources available on our site but for resources specific to a geographic area, I would suggest the Alzheimer's Association ( This article also includes additional suggestions: If there is anything specific we can help you with as you and your husband navigate this journey, please let us know! Warmly, Patty, Team Member

    2. Hi Klear I just joined a few minutes ago . Im still learning about Alzhiemers stuff and I don't like to read about, its horrible. Mfminago

      1. Hello. We are glad you found us and joined our supportive and informative community. I understand how reading about Alzheimer's disease can be overwhelming. If you don't mind sharing, were you or a loved one diagnosed with the disease? Is there anything specific I can support you with regarding information or questions you may have? Our community is always here, so join us anytime. Warmly, Nancy Team Member 💜🕊️

      2. I have felt the same way. Initially, it was completely overwhelming and I needed to pull back. Since I became more active in this community I have been able to support others and find support when I felt I needed it. This site is a great resource to find information or just share how you are feeling. Scott Team Member

    3. Oh yes my spouse is diagnosed

      1. I understand how that initial diagnosis can feel. You have support and resources in our site and within our community. We are here to help you. Let us know how we can help. Scott Team Member

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