My father has been in assisted living for months. We pay for extra help every day and weekends at the facility because he just can figure out anything anymore such as TV, cell phone. Even where things are located in his apt. Such as bathroom stuff etc. He just needs help. The assisted living facility provides 3 meals, meds, and help IF he could remember his emergency button around his neck. Which he can’t.
So he needed more jeans. His jeans were looking pretty worn. So I got more out of his closet at home. He never mentions home ever, nor his cars, or anything to do with his past living at home.
When I took his 2 pair of jeans to him he took one look at his jeans from his closet and said, “did you get these from home”?
My mouth dropped open! And no sooner than he said it he forgot all about his jeans……..mind boggling for me to say the least.
Dementia never ceases to amaze me.💙