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Sleeping issues?

Hi, I just joined this group and have a question. I think my Hubby has early onset Alzheimer's. He sleeps in his chair in the living room and has for 10 years now. The last few months he won't sleep unless I am sitting next to him in my chair. Is this a symptom? Our Dr has continually brushed me off when trying to have a conversation about dementia or Alzheimer's and I feel very alone trying to figure this out and create a new normal. Thanks for reading this😁

  1. Hi , I thought I would share this list of articles about sleep issues, while you're waiting for feedback from the community: He may be feeling like something is wrong, and feeling insecure, so he feels better with you close by. If your doctor is not being receptive, please reach out to, they can help you connect with a doctor who will be a partner in your healthcare journey. Please keep in touch and let us how things are going. - -Warmly, Donna (team member)

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