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4 Easy Ways to Practice Gratitude TODAY!

Imagine this: you are at an event, and it's that time again! Time to roll out your gratitude list and give credit where credit is due.

"First of all, I want to thank me for believing in me. Next, I want to give a shout-out to myself because I did a lot of hard work. Last but certainly not least, I want to give some love to myself for having no days off and never quitting. Yea, I thank me, respectfully!"

Can you imagine if we took a page out of Snoop Dogg's book to practice a bit of self-gratitude? Would we be better for it?

I don't know if we need to go as hard as he did, but I agree that it is important to reflect and practice ways to show up for ourselves. Here are my top four easy ways that you can practice self-gratitude today!


How we feel about our life and what we focus on expands while what we dwell on gets bigger.

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Often these feelings can take over our lives if we let them. Journaling can help us sort through these feelings.

By making journaling a part of your routine, you will start to see results in different areas of your life! It's also a great way to release negative thoughts that keep us stuck in a negative pattern, so find the journaling method that works best for you.

If you'd like more help journaling, let me know by leaving a comment below!


Another easy way to start practicing self-gratitude today is with some light exercise or even just stretching or going for a walk.

Believe it or not, 10 minutes a day can do a lot to improve your mood and release endorphins.  If you're feeling really ambitious, sign up for a 5K or a 10K with a friend!

Food as fuel

A third easy way to practice gratitude is by fueling your body with nutrients from the earth - namely, the good stuff, fruits and veggies.

You may feel like indulging in comfort food when you're stressed out about things, but remember that you are important and you are worth committing to and prioritizing your health. 

Make time for self-gratitude by carving out a few hours a week to cook a healthy meal or go grocery shopping before the busyness of caregiving sets in! Like your body, remember that these things are fuel for your soul!

Learn to treat yo' self!

Finally, one easy way to practice self-gratitude is by creating a reward system. If you complete journaling or exercising every day for the next week, maybe reward yourself with something fun on Friday - a bubble bath with lavender oil, an ice cream cone at Coldstone Creamery (or another place where you can choose your own flavors!), etc. Then continue journaling or exercising daily until the next thing you want to treat yo' self with!

Practicing self-gratitude

So yes, it is true... Speaking as a caregiver myself, I absolutely love what I do and am grateful that I can be here to support and care for my mom. But sometimes, I need a reminder that things I now have going on (please read that as: get caught up in the stress), can feel lighter when I take time out for myself.

Reframing who I am with an attitude of gratitude and not just focusing on the role I serve is an excellent game changer.

What are you thankful for? Tell us in the comments below, or share your story with the community.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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