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A couple is holding hands about to walk through the doors to a winding road, disembodied hands are giving them objects

The Alzheimer's Community Welcome Kit

First and foremost, welcome to the club that no one ever wants to be part of. Alzheimer's can feel overwhelming, especially when you or a loved one has been recently diagnosed. But fear not – the Alzheimer's community is here for you. We have listed the top articles to get you started on this often unpredictable road.

With the help of our ever-growing community, we have a wide variety of perspectives and resources to help you. This Welcome Kit is the beginning of a journey to take back some control of an often uncontrollable disease.

Understanding the disease

Maybe you or a loved one has not been diagnosed, but you have a feeling that something isn't quite right. Read more about how Alzheimer's disease is most often diagnosed. You also will find information about what doctors look for when they diagnose someone.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Alzheimer's Disease

It is always helpful to have a full picture of Alzheimer's and understand how the disease works. That way, you are best informed to make the most appropriate decisions for you and your family. The articles below disprove some commonly held myths and misconceptions about the disease. Get the facts!

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Resources for Alzheimer's

From doing paperwork to making an appropriate housing and care plan, we have got the help you need. Ask any seasoned family caregiver, and their first piece of advice most likely will be "Get your house in order." Use the following articles to help guide you and show you what is currently available.

Helpful Resources for the Alzheimer's Community
Living with Alzheimer's: What to Expect on the Journey
Preparing for Alzheimer's and Getting Organized

Use the articles below to help you complete the necessary paperwork. Remember, going through this process while you or your loved one can still make informed decisions will ease the transitions that come later. Knowing what was discussed and agreed upon will give you confidence in your plan.

Finding Qualified Care for Alzheimer's: Tips and Navigating the Process
Caregivers Need a Paperwork Power Team

Support from others like you

Maybe you are here because you are feeling afraid, and you just need some words of wisdom. We have that, too. Our patient leader team takes a thoughtful approach to sharing their knowledge and experiences for the benefit of our community. Find comfort in knowing you are not alone in this experience, and lean on each other.

Encouragement for the Weary Caregiver
Caregiver Perspective: Letting Go
Balancing the Good and Bad Days: Changes in Alzheimer's Symptoms

Looking for more?

Recently, Alzheimer's disease has been getting more attention than it had in recent decades. What we know about Alzheimer's is constantly changing, which fuels our optimism for a future without Alzheimer's.

There is no shortage of opportunities to connect with others who are in your situation. Check out the forums and stories for more. Or let us know what you are looking for in the comments below!

We are stronger together.

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