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Are there any teens or young adults that also have a parent with Alzheimer’s?

I am 21 years old and my mom is on the last stage of early onset Alzheimer’s. She is only 53 years old. I have never seen, met or heard of anyone else my age with a parent so young that is suffering from this disease, especially so near to the end. I have two younger siblings. My brother is 16 and my sister is 19. My mom was diagnosed 5 years ago, so we’ve been dealing with this diagnosis since we were all pretty damn young. I just want to connect with other young people like me and my siblings that are trying to navigate this whole load of crap. It really sucks to have a parent absent in this way at such a young age, and it sucks even more to have to watch them suffer too. Please reach out if anyone is in the same situation. Sending love to anyone and everyone who has a loved one suffering from this.

  1. Welcome, , we're glad you're here. Thank you for starting this thread! I'm hoping other family members will share here, and maybe some of our members with EOFAD will invite their family members to join the conversation. -Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

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