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How to get help

I am having a hard time, I feel I want to sleep all day and not get up and have to face everyday life over and over again. Sometimes I think I can do it all, and sometimes I am very angry. Having to see my Husband go through dementia is hard, and knowing that he was so active and a hard worker, he is in pain, angry, can not walk anymore, and is up at night and sleeping in the morning sometimes. I yell, and then I am so sorry for yelling; it’s not his fault what is happening, but it’s overwhelming.

  1. I can hear how tired and frustrated you are. Please know that you are not alone in these sentiments. Nothing can take away the pain of watching your loved one slowly slip away from themselves and the lives you've built together. It's okay to get angry and frustrated. But it is also okay to give yourself the grace that you deserve. There are organizations out there that could give you some help. Here is an article that provides some resources you could explore if you haven't already: I am also sharing the bio of one of our contributors, : Nikki writes A LOT about self- care's importance and provides many great tips. Self-care can often feel like a chore, but it is really important for you. You have a whole community here who understand what you're going through. If there are other resources that you are looking for, just let us know. We're always here for a good venting session too! Sending you hugs, Patty, Team Member

    1. Yes, it can be so overwhelming and difficult. I understand much of what you are feeling. Do you have anyone to come along side you? Sometimes it helps to have others support you in any way that they can. Scott Team Member

      1. Hi . I wanted to see how you are doing this week. I wanted to get more eyes on your forum, so I posted it on FB. Unfortunately, people commented on FB directly, but I wanted to share a link to the thread to see the responses. ( Let us know how you are getting along. Warmly, Patty, Team Member

        1. I was a caregiver to both of my parents and was trying to manage a chronic illness at the same time. I have personally felt the many, many emotions that you expressed in your post. I also lost my "drive" for life. I was overwhelmed and at times short tempered with my loved ones. You don't mean to be, but it is the reality of being a caregiver to a loved one with an Alzheimer's diagnosis. I have attached an article that I wrote recently about caregiving.
          Please know you are not alone. I got to the point where I had to reach out to my doctors and got help from a physical and mental health standpoint. It's OK to take care of yourself. Getting help and more supports in place, ultimately led me to be an even more amazing care-giver.

          Hope to hear back from you. From a personal stand point I just want to make sure you are OK and that you have access to supports that could help you and your loved one. You are not alone everyone here at cares for you and appreciates you allowing us to walk alongside you on your journey with your loved one.
          Just Keep Swimming...Lynn Marie, " Team Member"

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