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I dont have ad but ...

Ive been diagnosed with lowgrade white matter disease and want to join a group of people living with what i really dislike calling dementia.

  1. @Betsysue2002, I'm sorry that you have been diagnosed with lowgrade white matter disease. I know it can be hard to call it dementia. No one likes that word. There are ways to help you with this diagnosis and I hope you have lots of memorable times ahead. I want to share an article about resources with you. I hope you find it helpful. We have more articles like this that you may find interesting. Please know that many in this community are walking a similar road as you. We care and are always here for you. Do not hesitate to reach out to us. Blessings and Peace, Kristin Martin, Community Moderator

    1. Memory Warriors is a private FaceBook support group whose members are people with any type of dementia. People WITH dementia helping others WITH dementia. No caregivers, advertisers, siblings, parents, children, medical professionals, etc. Just US sharing experiences and assisting from our personal experiences.

      1. Thank you for posting that. Desperately searching for others like me. Lewy body

        1. Glad that you are finding communities that will support you. Please keep us updated on how you are doing. Scott Team Member

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