My sister and I are the last survivors of our rather (large) family. We are both in our 60s, for the past 5 years my life has been all about hers. Her mental decline started slowly but is accelerated this past year. She can't remember what I said an hour ago, and events that happened 20 yrs ago seem like recent to her.
She's living independently & her Doctors either don't notice this decline, or she's not sharing her medical information. I do not have authority to speak to medical staff, her son has that right and he is far away, both geographically and compassionately.
I don't know what to do. I have financially collapsed trying to help support her since she cannot manage her own finances and won't seek help from her son, or her bank etc. I'm not positive she even has Alzheimer's, but her reality is so far from the norm, and this is intermittent. Good days to really off, mentally.
How can I find out what's happening with her mental decline? She gets angry if I even bring up the subject yet she relies on me to help her with everyday living. I feel trapped & exhausted.