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How to deal with vindictive speech and threats to caregiver?

How can this be handled when caregiver feels unsafe due to threatening speech?

  1. Hi , I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling threatened, that doesn't feel good when you are trying to be a care partner. If you can get to the hospital safely, they will admit your LO for evaluation. If you can't get to the hospital, you can call the police to observe and transport your LO. Please keep in touch with us to let us know that you are safe. - Warmly, Donna (team member)

    1. Many municipalities have Crisis Services that are often a step down from law enforcement. I have found them to generally be a help in the places that I have lived. Let us know how you are doing. Scott Team Member

      1. Great question. As they say, safety first. Dementia does a number on a person’s brain, so they may say or do something completely uncharacteristic. 1. Get yourself safe. If you have to leave or call someone, do that. If danger is imminent, call 911, otherwise, there are other alternatives like 988. That is for mental health emergencies. Check for a “mobile crisis team” in your area. They they are first responders trained to handle mental health conditions. 2. Don’t take it personally. They aren’t in their right mind. They wouldn’t want you to be at risk if they could help it. 3. Talk to your loved one’s doctor. Maybe there is a social worker connected to the practice. Take notes and explain what is happening and how you feel. Now, I’ve labeled my suggestions 1-3, but the order is up to you. Blessings, Kathy M team member.

        1. Please let us know how it goes and what you decide. There were some in this community who wold keep a "go bag" in the garage with a change of clothes, keys, money and other essentials in case they had to leave in a hurry. Another was able to have her husband in a memory care facility that knew how to deal with agitation and aggression. Her husband was very happy there. She wrote about it here in our STORIES section (, Blessings, Kathy M team member.

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